December 17, 2007

Once A Year Gathering

It seems just like yesterday I was blogging about seeing family that I only see usually once a year at our annual Christmas, here it has come and gone again. There were certainly faces I missed seeing due to illness. There was a big void from the absence of my Uncle Bud and Aunt Billie. I wish them well and hope good health is restored. It's hard for my brain to wrap around the idea that I am getting closer to being amongst the oldest generation in our family. WOW! I sometimes still feel like the young generation, like me and my cousins should still be hanging out and talking and doing the things that we did in our youth.....boy, am I delusional???? I just can't seem to convince myself that, girl, you are getting to be an OLD LADY. I have been growing my hair out long....just one more time, I keep thinking. I ask Traci, just the other I look like an old hag with this long hair? She assures me that I do not, but the reflection in the mirror tells a different story. There are days that I think I can pull it off, but then, like the day I was in a fitting room in a store trying on clothes and I thought....GOOD GRIEF! I look HORRIBLE! I so want to blame it on the lighting and of course the carnival mirrors they use in those dressing rooms didn't help my situation either. I vote for candle light and NO mirrors, we can just go by how the clothes feel and not worry about how they look. Oh Well, at least I know that everyone of my age and generation are dealing with the same issues and I am not alone. I do have some solace in that. I am just glad to still be here and healthy enough to enjoy it. I hope that the new year brings health and happiness to us all and that next Christmas all absent this year will be able to attend our once a year gathering. Till next time.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

Apparently it's just the lighting. You can't look good in department store, bathroom, or other lighting. It makes us look old before our time. This is a known fact.