December 21, 2007

Our Christmas Schedule

FRIDAY!!!!!! AGAIN!!! This one is very important.......the one right before Christmas. I woke up this morning making a list in my head. The last minute things I need to get done and today's the day. Oh, I do still have tomorrow, I guess, but I hate waiting till the very last minute. Tonight we are suppose to go Christmas light looking......I LOVE to ride around first of all, and then getting to see beautiful lights draped on big gorgeous houses is just a bonus. The trip will be topped off with a stop at STARBUCKS.....UUUUMMMMMMM!!!! GOOOODD!! Tomorrow night is the HSE Christmas BIG babysitting night. This is one of the huge draw backs of everyone working for the same Co. I will have all 4 of my grandson's. The two older ones will pose no problems, but the two 3 year olds will undoubtedly make up for it. I think things will be fine until it starts drawing near bed time.....nothings worse than 2 tired and grumpy 3 year olds. I will make it doubt, just think, last year I had 2, 2 year olds and OH MY GOSH!!! before that 2, 1 year olds. It's a wonder I am still here. Anyway, after tomorrow night it will be smooth sailing. Sunday morning is the start of our family day. First, we go out for breakfast. On our return, we will open presents. The rest of the day is going to be munching on delectable tidbits, playing games and just sitting around talking. I am looking so forward to Sunday. Monday we will be traveling to spend some time with Wayne's Mom and Dad and sister Jan. I am taking home made Lasagna, hot bread, green beans, and some kind of delicious dessert. Then, we have Christmas Day.....our plan for that day is.....WORK. Yep, we had to fit it in somewhere and it just so happened that Christmas day was the best time for it. We will miss Christmas with Wayne's other sister in Tyler, but the drive was just more than we could do this year. Sounds like a pretty tight schedule to me. I am looking forward to every moment of it, believe it or not, even Wayne and I spending Christmas day alone with one another.....after our chore, we will have time to recoup from the previous days and make ready for the rest of the work week. This may be the last entry on my blog till after Monday. I wish a Merry Christmas to all. Be safe, till next time.

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